Managed print services
What problems do we solve?
Since 1984, Bizquip have been one of Ireland’s leading managed print service providers.
Our workplace technology team offer a fully managed service of all print and document related infrastructure including; photocopiers /copiers / MFDs, printers, scanners, wide format printers and production print machines, print management & document management software.
With an 18-person, in-house technical support team & over 275+ years combined experience working in managed print services for Bizquip, our expert team provide market leading service support to clients nationwide.
We ensure all your print hardware is maintained proactively and monitored daily, including usage, fault alerts and device notifications meaning downtime is kept to a minimum.
Print management software
The implementation of a print management solution can have an immediately positive effect on your organisation. A managed print service enables organisations save costs and to put controls in place to reduce wastage while having a secure and easy print environment.
The immediate impact is evident in the reduction of unnecessary print volumes.
Whether it is department permissions, our print preferences (mono versus colour) we can help set rules and output guidelines to enable a more cost-efficient solution.
Print security & GDPR
Sensitive business information requires the highest level of document security.
With the implementation of the required rules and controls, secure swipe card or pin release on your photocopiers and printers, you can apply parameters in terms of user access on our range of multi-function print devices.
Print management software will ensure you have the correct rules in place so that sensitive documents or information are not just left on printers / Photocopiers (MFDs) thus ensuring sure your organisation’s print infrastructure is GDPR compliant.
BYOD & cloud printing
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Mobile print solutions are key components in today’s hybrid office environment. Whether your team are working remotely or in a hybrid environment, it is essential that your workforce can print when they need to without having to involve your IT dept every time they wish to print. Our managed print service will enable employees to print from any networked photocopier / copier, printer anytime.
Cloud print solutions are becoming more and more popular in the past few years, eliminating the need for print servers on site, while still making sure your documents remain secure. Bizquip provide a range of cloud based print management solutions including Papercut HIVE and Printix.
Smart integrations
With cloud integrations, you can scan directly into secure cloud accounts like SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box from your photocopier / copier or scanner to view securely, from anywhere.
Users can scan copies of all their documents and convert them into a secure digital format, in one accessible location, automating processes including your folder structures. These digital documents can be stored, indexed, OCR’d and shared in an instant online, boosting workplace productivity and reducing the time and costs associated with paper-based filing.
Reporting & visibility
Bizquip’s managed print service allows you to get a full overview of your organisations printing habits. You will be able to understand who is printing what and what costs are associated with each department. Bizquip also have a bespoke monitoring software, Bizvision which shows real time data on your networked print devices, available to our clients at no additional cost.
This remote software automates the toner ordering and meter reading processes meaning your team will not have to spend time managing this internally.
A fully managed print service can help to reduce unnecessary printing levels by forcing changes in employees printing habits.
Print management software helps in the reduction of waste, and rule-based printing (mono only, double sided only) can reduce print by up to 30%.
Bizquip can also analyse your carbon emissions based off your existing fleet, providing you with a detailed report, shown here.
This, paired with our global reforestation initiative with PrintReleaf, can ensure you have a net-positive impact on the environment.
How we make Work Flow
Bizquip understand that no two companies requirements are the same. Bizquip are vendor agnostic meaning we with multiple solutions partners across print hardware and software and can propose a solution that fits the need of your business rather than a one-size fits all approach.
For more detailed information on how we would implement a bespoke Managed Print Service for your requirements, please click here
Free managed print audit & cost analysis
Without cost or commitment, we will evaluate your current print set up – hardware, software, and human behaviour around the print environment, including GDPR compliance.
Based on the information we capture, we will then analyse your current spend, your current agreements and advise where we can reduce expenditure, increase efficiencies and reduce cabron emissions in a detailed report, completely free of charge.