Protection In The Workplace – Safe Office Approaches
Safety Breeds Success
With some offices planning to throw their doors open wide at the end of September, for some it will mean some trepidation, that is understandable after a prolonged period of working from home and shielding ourselves at every turn.
Returning to the workplace will not take away from the need to shield and protect. In our everyday life it has become second nature and in the workplace it also will, if it hasn’t already.
We have spoken about the need for office agility and hybrid workplaces previously, but today we would like to focus on products that are designed to protect.
Protection has become our first line of defence in recent times and there is no denying the positive impact and protection in the workplace will be vital for the safe return of your employees, for welcoming your visitors, and for ensuring peace of mind to those who will find the coming weeks challenging.
It is time to clear the decks (Desks!)
The quickest and easiest step forward is in-office hygiene. Perpetually clean desks, work surfaces, and equipment. That said, we are all prone to decorating our desks with stationery, accessories, and personal items, thus hindering the process.
Personal Storage and lockers incorporating a hot box will enable each employee to securely pack the desk up daily in to their hot box, and locking it in their secure storage, clearing the desks for your cleaning teams.
The stylish designs of MDD, Bisley and Actiu will mean that integrating storage into your space will be nothing short of stylish and modern, The mobility of these designs means that they offer flexibility and can move to suit any changes to your floor plan.
Retrofitting Protective Panels and Screens
The key to the successful adaptation of screens and protective panelling, is in the design. For us, the winner will always be a protective panel designed with purpose to keep the user safe and to also look attractive. A casual design that boosts communication between people in friendly, efficient settings, with clearly marked boundaries that do not dehumanise the working area or hide users away.
Our vast range of panels and screens from global leaders such as Actiu and Friends of Wilson are specifically designed for retrofitting to your existing furniture.
Personal Computer Accessories
With the greater reliance on hot desks and a blended approach to how your team works, the provision of personalised It equipment is a further commitment to a protected office environment.
By providing each of your team with their own wireless computer accessories such as a keyboard and mouse you are actively preventing the spread of germs and bacteria by users not working with the same equipment as others.
Docking stations are also proving to be very popular as of recent months, enabling employees to easily connect their laptops to monitors for the hybrid / hot-desking environment.
We excel in the provision of office interiors, solutions, stationery, office supplies, and much more and therefore can work closely with you to identify and create a ‘safe office’ solution specific to your needs. Call our team on 01 217 8000 at any time and let us take this one, significant item out of your hands.