Bizquip Develops Digital Solution for Leman Solicitors
Driving digital adoption in the legal profession in Ireland, March 2016, Dublin Ireland.
In 2007 Lord David Putman outlined how a surgeon from the 1800’s could in a modern day operating theatre do little more than wipe the sweat from the brow of a patient. Innovation and new technology has made massive improvements to efficiency, quality and patient outcomes in the modern day health sector. In contrast the legal profession has moved very slowly in adopting the use of technology to drive efficiencies and improve client experiences.
Leman Solicitors however is bucking the trend and their ethos is one of innovation. Even a cursory look at the Leman website suggests to the visitor to “expect something different”. Larry Fenelon, Managing Partner and has set about driving change from the inside out. When asked about his paperless office strategy Larry said “The legal profession is weighed down by paper which represents the continuation of age old practice and tradition. Solicitors are a deeply conservative and fearful bunch that hold dear to the status quo. When considering paperless, most solicitors fear that the computer or server will fail. Fear that the client may ask for an original file. Fear that the Court may insist on an original. Fear that barristers will not accept e-briefs. Fear that other solicitors will not accept electronic signatures even though this is enshrined in legislation for 15 years, fear of conveyancers and that e-conveyancing will never happen. In Leman Solicitors we are not ruled by this fear. We have overcome all of these challenges and have developed a paperless strategy that works.”
The Challenge
Leman Solicitors wanted to find a way of transitioning to a fully digital workplace. Changing work practices requires a strategy and Larry knew he needed a phased approach. In addition to introducing a number of measures such as dual and triple monitors for their solicitors which helped to mitigate against the need to print reference material, Larry also set up a number of procedures to include offsite storage for deeds, scanning all documents and post daily and developing an e-brief protocol. To further drive the change Larry wanted to find a way to change printing behaviours in house and drive a phased reduction in physical printing carried out onsite. Larry wanted to cap office printing to ensure that printers would only be used when absolutely necessary or in a situation outside of their control such as where physical documents are required by the court.
The Solution
Greg Tierney Senior Consultant at Bizquip said:
“As a long standing partner of Lemans we were delighted to get involved. Utilising the software team here in Bizquip we set about exploring a technical solution to the problem. We knew Larry wanted to set printing caps but we needed to ensure it was easy to manage day to day for the client. Our implemented solution allowed print monitoring and secure follow-you printing. Most importantly the solution allowed Leman Solicitors to allocate a monthly printing volume and adjust it. Depending on the user type and requirements different printing levels were then set.
The other challenge was to allow for the inevitable exception. Rather than adjusting the monthly cap of users and undermining the overall strategy that Larry had in place, we needed to find a permission based solution that would grant allocation for specific jobs.
It took some thought and Bizquip’s Dave Stevens one of Ireland’s leading print management software engineers developed a new solution where administration could simply allocate the extra prints without the need to effect the monthly printing caps.
It is early days in the solution but we are confident we have assisted Larry take another important step in his journey to eliminate paper from his office and stay ahead of his competition.”
Larry Fenelon said “This measure has taken us one step closer to a completely paperless office. We have further reduced printing in the office by 75% and I am confident that through this solution, our printers are only being used when absolutely necessary. I would recommend Bizquip to any organisation that are considering a move towards a paperless office.”
If you would like to see how Bizquip can assist your business, please contact us today.