Creating a sustainable print environment

We recently shared the update about our partnership with PrintReleaf a global reforestation initiative as part of our ongoing effort to become a net-zero company.  Our own commitment to sustainability includes offsetting our paper use to support reforestation projects, ensuring we are responsible for the planting of 120 trees per month in Irish forests.

Quocirca’s Sustainability Trends 2022 report highlights some interesting statistics on global organisations’ commitments, in particular

  • 71% of organisations state goals of reducing paper usage by more than 30% by 2025
  • 50% of organisations plan to leverage the support of their print supplier to assist in improving their environmental impact

Business sustainability

As the business community around us grows exponentially, so too does our collective impact on the world in both a positive and negative sense. As business leaders and community members, we need to take steps within our own four walls to make sure we are reducing our impact on the environment.

Sustainability – solutions that work for all

Many businesses will have taken multiple steps towards sustainability such as introducing renewable energy, encouraging responsible waste management or aiming for carbon neutrality through various other initiatives.  Each of these initiatives are of the upmost importance, but the roll-out takes considerable planning, investment and time. This investment is well spent but have you also considered some of the more immediate steps you can take with instant returns and deliverables in terms of your commitment to environmental sustainability?

Paper and Packaging; aiming to reduce unnecessary waste –  

According to the EPA, paper and packaging account for the biggest source of waste in a business environment.  Many businesses facilitate the recycling of paper and packaging which is a positive, but is that enough?

There are various different ways to reduce paper consumption through solutions that Bizquip can implement and monitor on your behalf. One idea is to implement a print management solution to reduce waste and create rules to limit unnecessary print.

Bizquip can also work with you to increase efficiencies by implementing process automation Solutions, The implementation of BPM will help to streamline business processes and remove paper-intensive and manual work, such as invoice processing or returns processes.

While printing in the office environment has decreased over the past few years, it is still a very important part of most companies day to day operations.

Therefore, whilst we strongly support the ongoing commitment to recycling, we also support the reduction of print and as long as we are all printing, reforestation projects like those created by PrintReleaf offer us the opportunity to offset out paper consumption by replanting what we print.

Let Bizquip help you define your Reforestation Commitment

Bizquip collects paper consumption for all our managed print clients using our bespoke print monitoring software, BizVision. This is a remote monitoring tool that monitors all networked printers, MFDs, and photocopiers providing you with real-time access to the status of print volumes, toner levels and meter readings.

BizVision inputs print volume data on you behalf to the Print Releaf portal, which is then collated and every 8,333 sheets printed will result in a tree being planted.

Regardless of the origin of the paper or how it is used, PrintReleaf uses the information it gathers via BizVision to precisely measure paper consumption on-demand. Your paper footprint is represented by the aggregate total of your paper consumption across all sources over time and converted into a tree count, planted in a forest of your choice anywhere in the world.

Therefore, regardless of your print volumes or paper consumption, you can be safe in the knowledge that every page you print or use will be counted towards your company’s own reforestation commitment.

Each company will have its own access to the PrintReleaf portal, showing you in real-time how many trees you have planted on a monthly basis.

PrintReleaf can also be adopted by clients who are purchasing paper or other workplace supplies and doesn’t necessarily have to be from print data.

If you are curious to learn more about how we can support you to further develop your sustainability practices through the implementation of this PrintReleaf initiative, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time on 01 217 8000 or via email



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